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APEAL Executive Committee Roles

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APEAL Executive Committee Roles Empty APEAL Executive Committee Roles

Post  MikeV Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:40 pm

Below are the roles of the executive committee of the APEAL.

President: Jean-Philippe Lessard (2009-2010)

The president of the APEAL is the person who administers and represents the association. This means that the president must be dedicated to the association and be willing to invest a lot of time in it (approximatively 10 to 15 hours a week). His principal tasks, as described by the charter, are:
4.3.1. Officially represents the association.
4.3.2. Oversees that all rules and goals of the association are upheld.
4.3.3. Coordinates the efforts of the APEAL executive committee and assign tasks.
4.3.4. Ensures that the committee is representative of the members.
4.3.5. Initiates the general assembly at the end of his mandate.
4.3.6. Authorises all major expenses.
4.3.7. Is one of the signers of cheques.

This year, as the president, I was responsible for many projects. The most important one was to administer the APEAL and to insure that all of my officers gave the best of themselves for the students. I took charge of revising the charter (it took me about 50 to 75 hours of work). I put forward different projects with the F.I.E. I was in charge of the mail, communication with the professors (and Marie Gauvin), announcements. I gave myself the objective to boost the attendance and participation level during the General Assemblies and other events.

Finally, with my experience as the president this year, I believe that anyone who wants to be president should be dedicated, organized, have leadership, have initiative and most importantly have a very high level of tolerance to stress (never panic and find good solutions, because you'll face a lot difficulties).

Don't forget, the weight of the APEAL is on the president's shoulders. That's a great job which requires a lot of self-commitment and courage.

Vice-President: Paul-André Lanteigne (2009-2010)

4.4. Role of the vice-president (not limitative)
4.4.1. Organizes the meetings.
4.4.2. Replaces the president in his absence or in case of dismissal.
4.4.3. Is one of the signers of cheques.
4.4.4. Picks up the mail at least once a week.
4.4.5. Is in charge of all information regarding student information.

O.k...Well I would say that I didn't know about the mail thing .To give a general Idea of a vice prez... Humm well...what did I do this year? Well without having a specific job...I'd say I was good putty to patch any rough spot: Going to the CADEUL meetings during the first semester, writing an article (bus pass) or simply talking to people to tell them about the things I heard in those meetings, gathering info and contacting people for maintenance matters (paint+broken phone), trying to give decent advise to the president in short individual meetings or long walks , we got the recycling bin...which is now on top of the fridge lololol, lending my wheels to carry alcohol to the initiation party or the first movie night. I helped set up for the first movie night and gave a little hand during speaq campus...Basically a bunch of little things...pitching in where a hand is needed...
Some could also say that the vice prez's job is to take up the c**p the prez doesn't want to do lol but there hasn't been a lot of that. Stepping in front of class to give motivational speeches and running parts of the general assemblies were also part of my duties.

In my more...informal contributions...I have given a hand at the initiation party at the bar...and used my strategic position as barman to...you know...lol I've tried to get people fired up for parties and events.
I don't know what else to say...nothing comes in mind...
I don't know, there was the support we gave to the grad committee for promotional items and...the way I disposed of some of the refreshing beverages that were stored in the lounge's fridge (terribly sorry about that one)

Yet to come...British national corpus thing, run the G.A for the elections along with Isa and Mel...
If I'm forgetting anything...too bad

And now...what qualities should you have to do this job?
Being able to give advise or simplify stuff (assisting the prez)
You have to be present at the APEAL meetings (of course)
And maybe being a notch more organized than me wouldn't hurt at all...
Don't become a butt kisser but you know...be nice and enthusiastic with bealsians! (you should be there because you think they're awesome in the first place anyway)

External Representative: Samuel Trudel (2009-2010)

4.12. External representative (not limitative)
4.12.1. Represents the APEAL at the CADEUL caucus and RAFaL meetings and
all other external committees/boards.
4.12.2. Is nominated by the APEAL executive every semester based on his
schedule and availability.

Here's what I've done:
-Attended CADEUL caucus once a month and reported to the APEAL executive members during the following meeting
-Attended RAFaL meetings and reported
-Represented the APEAL at the several FIÉ meetings (Fond d'Investissement Étudiants)
-Elaborated the FIÉ projects (5) and dealt directly with companies for submissions (e.g. DUOCOM for the SmartBoard)
-Reserved rooms for GAs and events

Qualities a good Ext. Rep. should posses:
-Awareness of the APEAL position in University politics
-Good interpersonal skills (especially when meeting with different University administrators)
-Teamwork skills
-Availability on Friday afternoons (Caucus) from 13h00 till 18h00

All in all the job is a lot of fun. You get to meet people representing different associations and get involved in the University politics where you need to take position as the representant of about 400 students. Finally, you attend the APEAL' social gatherings!!! (ok you can do it even if you're not the ext. rep but it's so much cooler when you are). I've been the APEAL's External Rep for 2 semesters now.

Social Representative: Isabelle Thibeault (2009-2010)

The social representative of the APEAL is the person in charge of any social event. To be in charge of the social events implies that he or she has to organize, coordinate, publicize them and be present to every event. Also, the social representative is in charge of the Social Squad (a sub-committee of the APEAL). This means that the social representative has to attend the APEAL meeting, and organize and coordinate the Social Squad meetings. Here are the roles of the social representative as it is explained in the charter:

4.8.1 Presents to the committee various social activities that may interest members.
4.8.2 Organizes and coordinates these projects.
4.8.3 Is in charge of the social squad.
4.8.4 Is of of the signers of the cheques.

The social representative have to be a social person (duh!) who likes to party (double duh!). To be a social person is not only important to be able to publicize the parties, but also, and most importantly, the social representative has to create a good relation with the bar tenders in order to have great deals for the parties. On top of that, this person has to be responsible and organized. In order to be able to plan as many parties as possible, the social representative has to be able to create a budget that he or she has to respect (the biggest and the most expensive party is at the end of the year: the Sugar Shack). Also, it is important that this person knows the different rules and the responsibilities that any party planner has to respect. Also, the social representative has to be willing to give a lot of hours for the APEAL and for the Social Squad. If you are curious to know information about the social representative role or if you have questions, you can always ask them to the present social representative: Isabelle Thibeault 3rd year student.

Academic Advisor: Stephanie Côté Dutil (2009-2010)

-Is in charge of informing the students about anything related to their academic course, and practicums.
-Has to attend meetings of the following committees:
  • StagiairesCassés, and CAC related to practicums -4X a year)
-Has to stay in touch with the program committee.

Qualities: organized, sociable, serious, comprehensible of others problems, devoted to the stagiairescassés case... Of course, the academic is in touch with the other associations and the CADEUL.

ES Representantative: Martin Fillion 2009-2010

4.14.1. To represent the interests of all APEAL members who are part of the
Baccalauréat en études anglaises, Diplôme en études anglaises, Certificat
en études anglaises, Microprogramme en études anglaises, Certificat en
langue anglaise and Microprogramme en langue anglaise.
4.14.2. Ensure the unity of the BEALS and non-BEALS programs within the
4.14.3. Seats the ES program committee

In practice, the role of the ES Rep is two-fold. The first aspect of the job is the academic side of things. As ES rep you have to attend meetings of the English Studies Program Committee, with profs from both the literature and linguistics departments. These only occur a few times a year but generally there is lots of important information. For example, this year we talked about the upcoming external evaluation of the program as well as changes in certain classes. These changes must be relayed back to the APEAL committee because BEALS people also take most of these classes.

The second aspect of the job is purely social. There has always been a big split between Beals and Es people, and it is important to work hard to make sure that ES-ers are aware of all the partys and activites within the APEAL, and that they are welcome to attend all of them. So in short, while being ES rep doesn't take very much time, you do have to be versatile.

Webmaster (Website): André Deschênes (2009-2010)

4.10.1. To maintain the website.
4.10.2. To train and choose his successor.
4.10.3. The webmaster is not truly elected as certain skills are required.

I have now been the webmaster for 2 semesters and here is what I have done:
- Rebuild the APEAL website from the ground up (www.ulaval.ca/apeal)
- Update the website on a regular basis (about once every week or every two weeks)

Qualities of a good Webmaster are the following:
- Has. at least, some basic programming skills (HTML)
- Knows how to use a FTP client
- Structured and attentive to details
- Sense of initiative

A person wanting to become the Webmaster must possess at least some basic skills in programming (HTML). The Webmaster must also work in a structured manner in order to not make the job too difficult for the next Webmaster.

Webmaster(Forum Administrator): Michel Vigneau (2010-2010)

4.10.4. To maintain the forums.
4.10.5. To train and choose his successor.
4.10.6. The webmaster is not truly elected as certain skills are required.

During the 2010 winter semester, I created a forum for all APEAL students at https://ulavalapeal.forummotion.com. After the forum creation I did:
-Threads and sections organization
-Membergroups database
-Organization of the accesses and ranks
-Updates based on a weekly basis (and sometimes daily)
-Censorship system for swearing

Qualities of a good Webmaster are the following:
- Has. at least, some basic programming skills and understanding of computer technology
- Knows how to use an admin panel
- Structured and attentive to details
- Sense of initiative
- Has time to check and update (if necessary) the forum four to five times a week.

A person wanting to become the Webmaster must possess at least some basic skills in programming (HTML). The Webmaster must also work in a structured manner in order to not make the job too difficult for the next Webmaster. To work with the forum, the webmaster needs to be attentive to all students' suggestions and comments in order to improve its settings and its design.

In construction
Forum Administrator
Forum Administrator

APEAL Executive Committee Roles Apealoffi
APEAL Executive Committee Roles Apealmemb4
Posts : 129
Activity Points : 5640
Join date : 2010-02-05
Age : 35
Location : Îles-de-la-Madeleine


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